Align Law can assist clients with a broad range of complex commercial disputes, such as the following matters:
- partnership and shareholder disputes
- contractual disputes, including breach of contract and compensation claims
- consumer law and trade practices issues, including misleading or deceptive conduct claims
- insolvency and debt recovery
- construction and security of payment related disputes
- domestic building disputes before the Domestic Building Dispute Resolution of Victoria (DBDRV), VCAT and Courts
- property law disputes, including claims arising from sale of land contracts and associated legislation
- leasing disputes, including commercial and retail tenancy disputes
- priority disputes including caveat issues and applications to the court for removal of caveats
- common law negligence claims
- intellectual property disputes
- applications to the courts for urgent interim and final injunctive relief
- defamation matters
Notable Projects
Acted for clients on commercial contract and project finance disputes, including enforcement of commercial agreements, heads of agreements and multifarious disputes sometimes flowing from mergers and acquisitions.
property law
Acted for owners, vendors, purchasers, neighbours across a range of property disputes, including sale of land, priority, trespass, adverse possession and planning disputes.
Acted for developers in seeking compensation for delays, cost overruns and other issues arising from inadequate or incomplete work by architects, planners, and other building professionals.
construction disputes
Acted for various prominent developers and builders on a range of complex construction related disputes including payment claims, SOPA adjudication, variation and EOT claims and the termination of construction contracts. This includes a high profile $20 million dispute against a Victorian government authority.
australian consumer law claims
Acted for clients in various Australian Consumer Law matters, including misleading and deceptive conduct claims, consumer guarantees and unfair contract term claims.
cross-border / international
Advised clients in respect of inter-state and international cross-border disputes, including advising on appropriate jurisdiction and the enforcement of foreign judgements in Victoria.
commercial and retail lease disputes
Acted for landlords and tenants across a range of commercial lease issues and disputes, including non-payment, repair issues, make good disputes